
torsdag den 2. juni 2011


The next week or so, is going to be very stressfull:

Tomorrow (Friday): My friend is picking me up, and we, and some of his other friends are going to his grandparent's summer house.

Saturday: My mothers birthday. And it means that I'll have to be around my idiot of a stepfather. The only person that I really hate. It's gonna be tough.

Sunday: Going to a party-tingy, with my best friend from Hammerum (Efterskolen. Der findes ikke noget ordenligt ord for det på engelsk, og jeg nægter at kalde det for en "bording school", for det er det ikke!). And that "party" last for several days. And normally I avoid parties, and especially big ones. But it's better than being alone. I hope.
I don't really know when I'm going to be home again. Hope I'll survive.
And if I don't, it won't make any difference anyways..

See ya.

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