
tirsdag den 27. september 2011

WC Tennis...

... that's right! Not really the kind of thing you stumble upon everyday. But friday at the school I made an awesome discovery. I guess there's no point in telling how I made the discovery? But some genious has invented the game of WC Tennis. It resulted in my laughing loudly while in a toilet stall at the school. Luckily, no one else was there.
The game goes down like this:

1. Go to a public toilet with a pencil, or just anything that can write.
2. Sit on the toilet and write this on the door: "WC Tennis. Look to your right"
3. And on the right side of the stall you write this: "SLAM! Look to your left!"
4. On the left side of the stall you write: "BAM! Look to your right!"
5. Enjoy the game.

That's the kind of poetry you only find in a public toilet stall.

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