
mandag den 22. august 2011

way to go..

Today (or yesterday, since I'm writing this at 01.32 am) I've moved for the third time in two years. It makes me think. Do I have a adapting problem? Because no matter where I am, and who I'm with, it's only a matter of time before I want to be somewhere else.
Or maybe I just really need a good reason to "stay".

I've been at my new school for two weeks now. And I feel really good about it. Nice class. Nice teachers. Nice hours (weekend starts at 11.20 am EVERY friday).
But then again.. I said the same thing about the Gymnasium last year.. and I ended up doing nothing for six months.

And no one actually know what I'm about to write now.
For two years ago, when I was at Hammerum Efterskole, I also wanted to drop out. Not because of the people, or my roomie, who I actually never bonded with. The teachers were great too.
But I just didn't felt like I belonged there. Something was... Off.
But today I am glad that I didn't drop out! I have two amazing friendships that I wouldn't trade for anything! And a lot of other friendships that means the world to me! Thank you, Cecilie and Sebastian!

But I'm still lying here, wondering how long it'll take before I move again.

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