
søndag den 29. maj 2011


I know I'm pathetic.. but sometimes we all are.

Everytime I fall for someone, the person I've fallen for doesn't feel the same thing about me. And everytime I fall so hard that it's impossible to get up again.
And now I find myself in this situation again. 
And once again, it's only a one-way connection. 

It's amazing how a "favour for a friend" can turn into so much more. At least for me.

Last night I learned, that it's gonna take a while before you'll be 'available' to me. As you said: "It's not you.. It's still him"

Guess I'll just have to be patient. Again. I've waited a long time for people before, so that isn't new to me. The question is just HOW long do I have to wait? 

Guess only time can tell... 

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